Salaries Projected To Increase In 2025
Canadian Employers Planning 2025 Salary Increases Of 3.5%
As employers plan for 2025, having access to planned salary increases for different non-union position levels, sectors and industries is essential for financial and human resources planning. Western Compensation & Benefits Consultants (“WCBC”) recently surveyed 736 employers across Canada regarding their planned salary increases for 2025.
The survey results provide valuable insights into increases in different geographic regions, sectors of the economy and various industries.
Employers which follow good compensation governance practices periodically conduct market compensation reviews whereby their compensation levels are compared to the compensation paid to comparable positions by relevant comparison organizations. In the years between these market comparison reviews it is necessary for employers to access robust salary increase information in order to track the market and align their salaries accordingly.
WCBC’s survey results report 2025 salary increases which are typically about 3.5%. However, the variance by geographic location, position levels, sector of the economy and industry emphasize the importance of a tailored approach to compensation planning and decision making.

Participants have been sent their free access already. If you participated and did not receive access, please contact our office: | 604-683-9155 | Contact Us

Reports are offered exclusively for the internal use of individual employers. Purchase is not available to libraries, career placement centres, HR consulting firms, or any other entity that could re-sell the data or make it available to the general public. WCBC reserves the right to accept or decline purchase requests.